Wednesday, 22 April 2009

We're off!!

Yes me and hubby Mike are getting away for a few days as it's our 4th Wedding anniversary on 23rd april - St. George's Day!! We are going to a swanky hotel in Southsea, near Portsmouth.

We actually got married in Ocho Rios, Jamaica and Sandals organised every last detail for us, so no hassles!  We had a very romantic setting, overlooking the blue sea and just the two of us pledging our vows to each other. It was the best thing we ever did. We did have a party for friends and family when we got home but there were none of the pre-wedding nerves and hassles leading up to the wedding day!! lol
 So this is Mike and Me just after we got married on 23rd April 2005!

Really looking forward to winding down while away and it will give Mike the needed break too as apart from working full time, he has to look after me a lot when my back is really bad (which it has been lately!)

Take Care Everyone!

Sal xx

1 comment:

Quizmo said...

Bon Voyage! I know you'll have a wonderful time!

Do you do exercises to help your back? It's done wonders for me. Another help is a back brace (belt). I put it on at the slightest indication of strain. Also, somehow teach your fabulous husband how to do some minor chiropractic adjustments on your spine. It's the best "hug" from your "honey."

Have fun, Sal! And thanks for following my blog.